Proudly Serving the Residents of Clifton Heights Borough
Welcome to the Clifton Heights Police Department. Our officers proudly serve as members of the primary law enforcement agency for the residents of Clifton Heights Borough. The members of the Clifton Heights Police Department work with our residents and business leaders to provide professional and unbiased police services to protect life and property, as well as promote and foster good community relations for residents and visitors of our great town. Read More
Employment Opportunity: Part-Time Police Officer
Applicants must be 21 years of age, minimum high school graduate or equivalent, and possess Act 120 certification
Department Directory
Email and contact information
Going on Vacation?
Let us know so that we can keep an eye on your home!
While we are still building this site, you will find interesting and valuable information. On this site you can request vacation checks of your residence while you are traveling, report abandoned or junked vehicles in your neighborhood that reduce our quality of life, email a particular officer who may be assisting you, obtain an accident report, or be directed to the proper department via the Clifton Heights Borough website.
In this time of digital communication we still find that a simple phone call can solve most routine police-related questions. Our administrative office hours are M-F 8:30am to 4:30pm. The office is closed weekends and major holidays. You can contact our office at 610-623-3242 during these hours or through the Delaware County 911 center, which is used for both emergency and non-emergency contact twenty four hours a day.